Results for 'Nicholas Russell Plants'

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  1.  6
    The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 1: Cambridge Essays 1888-99.Kenneth Blackwell, Andrew Brink, Nicholas Griffin & Bertrand Russell (eds.) - 1983 - Boston: Routledge.
    First published in 1983. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell.Bertrand Russell & Nicholas Griffin - 1992 - Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Edited by Nicholas Griffin.
    Brieven van de Engelse wijsgeer (1872-1970) uit de periode 1884-1914.
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    Beyond dopamine: The noradrenergic system and mental effort.Nicholas J. Malecek & Russell A. Poldrack - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):698-699.
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    Lonergan and Taylor.Nicholas Plants - 2001 - Method 19 (1):143-172.
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    Therapeutic Interpretation.Nicholas Plants - 1998 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 72:139-147.
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    The Cambridge Companion to Bertrand Russell (review).Peter H. Denton - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (3):349-350.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Cambridge Companion to Bertrand RussellPeter H. DentonNicholas Griffin, editor. The Cambridge Companion to Bertrand Russell. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Pp. xvii + 550. Cloth, $75.00. Paper, $26.00.It is a daunting task to conceive of a single companion to Bertrand Russell, who in life as in thought was never content with a single anything. Nicholas Griffin has brought his customary expertise to the (...)
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    Introduction.Nicholas Cotton & Maxime Plante - 2020 - Philosophiques 47 (2):251.
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    Why Semmelweis's doctrine was rejected: evidence from the first publication of his results by Friedrich Wieger, and an editorial commenting on the results.Nicholas Kadar & Russell D. Croft - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Science 53 (3):389-395.
    We present English translations of two French documents to show that the main reason for the rejection of Semmelweis's theory of the cause of childbed fever was because his proof relied on the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, and not because Joseph Skoda referred only to cadaveric particles as the cause in his lecture to the Academy of Science on Semmelweis's discovery. Friedrich Wieger, an obstetrician from Strasbourg, published an accurate account of Semmelweis's theory six months before Skoda's lecture, (...)
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    (1 other version)The Bloomsbury handbook of Socrates.Russell E. Jones, Ravi Sharma & Nicholas D. Smith (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This handbook provides detailed philosophical analysis of the life and thought of Socrates across fifteen in-depth chapters. Each chapter engages with a central aspect of the rich tradition of Socratic studies and, after surveying the state of scholarship, points the way forward to new directions of interpretation. A leading team of scholars present dynamic readings of Socrates, extracted from the historical context of Plato's dialogues, covering elenchus, irony, ignorance, definitions, pedagogy, friendship, politics and the daemon. Building on these core Socratic (...)
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  10. Homology across inheritance systems.Russell Powell & Nicholas Shea - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (6):781-806.
    Recent work on inheritance systems can be divided into inclusive conceptions, according to which genetic and non-genetic inheritance are both involved in the development and transmission of nearly all animal behavioral traits, and more demanding conceptions of what it takes for non-genetic resources involved in development to qualify as a distinct inheritance system. It might be thought that, if a more stringent conception is adopted, homologies could not subsist across two distinct inheritance systems. Indeed, it is commonly assumed that homology (...)
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    Sobering Wisdom: Philosophical explorations of twelve step spirituality.Jerome A. Miller & Nicholas Plants (eds.) - 2014 - Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
    Originally developed by Alcoholics Anonymous, the Twelve Step program now provides life direction for the millions of people worldwide who are recovering from addiction and undergoing profound personal transformation. Yet thus far it has received surprisingly little attention from philosophers, despite the fact that, like philosophy, the program addresses all-important questions regarding how we ought to live. In Sobering Wisdom, Jerome A. Miller and Nicholas Plants offer a unique approach to the Twelve Step program by exploring its spirituality (...)
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    Liliane Bodson and Roland Libois . Contributions à l'histoire des connaissances zoologiques. Colloques d'histoire des connaissances zoologiques, 2. Liège: Université de Liège, 1991. Pp. 123. 450FB. [REVIEW]Nicholas Russell - 1992 - British Journal for the History of Science 25 (3):385-386.
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  13. Russell's multiple relation theory of judgment.Nicholas Griffin - 1985 - Philosophical Studies 47 (2):213 - 247.
    The paper describes the evolution of russell's theory of judgment between 1910 and 1913, With especial reference to his recently published "theory of knowledge" (1913). Russell abandoned the book and with it the theory of judgment as a result of wittgenstein's criticisms. These criticisms are examined in detail and found to constitute a refutation of russell's theory. Underlying differences between wittgenstein's and russell's views on logic are broached more sketchily.
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    Russell’s Idealist Apprenticeship.Nicholas Griffin - 1991 - Oxford, GB: Clarendon Press.
    Based mainly on unpublished papers this is the first detailed study of the early, neo-Hegelian period of Bertrand Russell's career. It covers his philosophical education at Cambridge, his conversion to neo-Hegelianism, his ambitious plans for a neo-Hegelian dialectic of the sciences and the problems which ultimately led him to reject it.
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    Russell’s Critique of Meinong’s Theory of Objects.Nicholas Griffin - 1985 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 25-26 (1):375-401.
    Russell brought three arguments forward against Meinong's theory of objects. None of them depend upon a misinterpretation of the theory as is often claimed. In particular, only one is based upon a clash between Meinong's theory and Russell's theory of descriptions, and that did not involve Russell's attributing to Meinong his own ontological assumption. The other two arguments were attempts to find internal inconsistencies in Meinong's theory. But neither was sufficient to refute the theory, though they do (...)
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  16. Russell on the nature of logic (1903–1913).Nicholas Griffin - 1980 - Synthese 45 (1):117 - 188.
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    Russell's Critique of Meinong's Theory of Objects.Nicholas Griffin - 1985 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 25 (1):375-401.
    Russell brought three arguments forward against Meinong's theory of objects. None of them depend upon a misinterpretation of the theory as is often claimed. In particular, only one is based upon a clash between Meinong's theory and Russell's theory of descriptions, and that did not involve Russell's attributing to Meinong his own ontological assumption. The other two arguments were attempts to find internal inconsistencies in Meinong's theory. But neither was sufficient to refute the theory, though they do (...)
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  18. ch. 11. Russell and Moore's revolt against British idealism.Nicholas Griffin - 2013 - In Michael Beaney (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of The History of Analytic Philosophy. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    Russell on Relations, 1898: a Reconsideration.Nicholas Griffin - 2022 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 42 (1):5-39.
    The paper traces the development of Russell’s thinking about relations in 1898. Central to the story is what Russell called “the contradiction of relativity” which he thought to be endemic in the mathematical sciences. Through most of the year he tried to deal with it within the constraints of the neo-Hegelian doctrine of internal relations until, towards the end of the year, he abandoned the doctrine and with it neo-Hegelianism. Most importantly, he came to see that the contradiction (...)
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    Russell's Critique of Meinong's Theory of Objects.Nicholas Griffin - 1985 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 25 (1):375-401.
    Russell brought three arguments forward against Meinong's theory of objects. None of them depend upon a misinterpretation of the theory as is often claimed. In particular, only one is based upon a clash between Meinong's theory and Russell's theory of descriptions, and that did not involve Russell's attributing to Meinong his own ontological assumption. The other two arguments were attempts to find internal inconsistencies in Meinong's theory. But neither was sufficient to refute the theory, though they do (...)
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  21.  34
    Russell’s Neutral Monist Theory of Desire.Nicholas Griffin - 2015 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 35 (1).
    Russell’s theory of desire in _The Analysis of_ Mind is subject to a seemingly overwhelming objection, apparently stated first by Wittgenstein and subsequently elaborated even more compellingly by Anthony Kenny. The puzzle is that, before he became a neutral monist, Russell had used essentially the same argument as part of a critique of William James’s theory of knowledge. Since Russell had already formulated the argument as part of his case against generally naturalistic, and specifically neutral monist, theories (...)
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  22.  52
    Living with plants and the exploration of botanical encounter within human geographic research practice.Russell Hitchings & Verity Jones - 2004 - Ethics, Place and Environment 7 (1):3 – 18.
    Explorations of the boundaries between human culture and non-human nature have clear ethical dimensions. Developing both from philosophical arguments about the value of such boundaries and recent empirical work following the traffic across them, we seek to complement these discussions through a consideration of how these boundaries can be enacted by ourselves, as researchers, and the methods we employ. As part of an agenda seeking to reconsider organic agency within geographical narrative, we have been exploring different techniques for documenting the (...)
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    Was Russell Shot or Did He Fall?Nicholas Griffin - 1991 - Dialogue 30 (4):549-.
    In his critical notice of Russell's Theory of Knowledge, R. E. Tully takes issue with my interpretation of Wittgenstein's criticism of Russell's theory of judgment. Against it he raises two objections and also sketches an alternative interpretation. On Tully's characterization, I believe that Russell was shot out of the tree by a subtle but devastating argument, while Tully believes that he was shaken out of the tree by a much broader but non-lethal attack on his conception of (...)
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  24. Russell Vs. Meinong: The Legacy of "on Denoting".Nicholas Griffin & Dale Jacquette (eds.) - 2008 - London and New York: Routledge.
    A century after ‘On Denoting’ was published, the debate it initiated continues to rage. On the one hand, there is a mass of new historical scholarship, about both Russell and Meinong, which has not circulated very far beyond specialist scholars. On the other hand, there are continuing problems and controversies concerning contemporary Russellian and Meinongian theories, many of them involving issues that simply did not occur to the original protagonists. This work provides an overview of the latest historical scholarship (...)
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    (1 other version)Russell's "Horrible Travesty" of Meinong.Nicholas Griffin - 1977 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies:39-51.
    For a long time it was widely believed that meinong held that every object of reference had being. this has since come to be recognized as a 'horrible travesty' (findlay's phrase) of meinong's position. however, a new horrible travesty has grown up: namely, that the original misinterpretation of meinong was due to russell's early discussions of his work. while it is conceded that russell's later writings contained travesties of meinong, it is shown (using unpublished documents in the bertrand (...)
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  26.  6
    (1 other version)The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell, Volume 1: The Private Years 1884-1914.Nicholas Griffin (ed.) - 1992 - Routledge.
    Those who knew the famous philosopher Bertrand Russell at the turn of the century referred to him as 'the Day of Judgement'. This acclaimed selection of his early letters, available in paperback for the first time, reveals the full scope of Russell's life and innermost thoughts up to the First World War. It includes letters to his first wife, Alys Pearsall Smith, reveals the background to his now famous work in philosophy and the foundations of mathematics and how (...)
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  27.  22
    Russell on specific and universal relations: the principles of mathematics, §55.Nicholas Griffin & Gad Zak - 1982 - History and Philosophy of Logic 3 (1):55-67.
    In this paper we consider the arguments Russell uses in The principies of mathematics, §55 to establish the view that all relations are universals. These arguments are shown to be defective. Finally, we consider the connection between Russell's view of relations and wider aspects of his philosophy—in particular, his theories of reference and truth and the gradual break-down of his absolute realism.
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    2 Russell's Philosophical Background1.Nicholas Griffin - 2003 - In The Cambridge companion to Bertrand Russell. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 84.
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    Meinong's Jungle and Russell's Desert [review of Richard Routley, Exploring Meinong's Jungle and Beyond: an Investigation of Noneism and the Theory of Items ].Nicholas Griffin - 1982 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 2 (2):53.
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    Russell.Nicholas Griffin - 1986 - Philosophical Books 27 (1):32-36.
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    Russell and Sidgwick.Nicholas Griffin - 1989 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 9 (1):12.
  32. What did Russell learn from Leibniz?Nicholas Griffin - 2013 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 2 (1).
    Russell’s rejection in 1898 of the doctrine of internal relations — the view that all relations are grounded in the intrinsic properties of the terms related — was a decisive part of his break with Hegelianism and opened the way for his turn to analytic philosophy. Before rejecting it, Russell had given the doctrine little thought, though it played an essential role in the most intractable of the problems facing his attempt to construct a Hegelian dialectic of the (...)
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    Interpreting Russell’s Gray’s Elegy Argument.Nicholas Ray - 2013 - Dialogue 51 (4):667-682.
    «De la Dénotation» est l’un des articles les plus importants de la tradition analytique, pourtant il n’existe pas d’interprétation canonique pour l’un de ses argument-clés. Certains croient que le passage en question démontre que les concepts dénotants en eux-mêmes sont contradictoires; d’autres que la théorie qui les sous-tend est incohérente. Les deux interprétations sont trop fortes et sont contredites par le texte du passage. Nous l’interprétons plutôt comme un ensemble de considérations qui conservent à l’ancienne théorie, bien qu’elle soit encombrante (...)
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  34.  44
    Russell at McMaster University.Nicholas Griffin - 2001 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 20 (2):48-48.
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    Russell, Husserl and Frege [review of Clare Ortiz Hill, Word and Object in Husserl, Frege and Russell ].Nicholas Griffin - 1994 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 14 (1):102.
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    (1 other version)Russell in Australia.Nicholas Griffin - 1996 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 16:3.
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    (1 other version)Russell's Later Political Thought.Nicholas Griffin - 1985 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 5:3.
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    Rereading Russell: Essays in Bertrand Russell's Metaphysics and Epistemology (Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. XII).Nicholas Griffin - 1990 - Philosophical Books 31 (3):151-152.
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  39. The Bertrand Russell Archives, McMaster University.Nicholas Griffin - unknown - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 1.
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  40. Did Russell's Criticisms of Bradley's Theory of Relations Miss their Mark?Nicholas Griffin - 1998 - In Guy Stock (ed.), Appearance versus reality: new essays on Bradley's metaphysics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Bertrand Russell Research Centre.Nicholas Griffin - 2000 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 20 (1).
    The creation, components and mission of The Bertrand Russell Research Centre ("BRRC") at McMaster University are described. The components are _Russell_, the Russell Editorial Project's _Collected Papers_ and Russell-l. Plans are being laid to incorporate other activities relevant to Russell Studies.
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  42. How the Russell Papers Came to McMaster.Nicholas Griffin - 2004 - The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly 123.
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  43. Russell’s Use Theory of Meaning.Nicholas Griffin - 2020 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 8 (3).
    Russell is often accused of having a naive ‘Fido’–Fido theory of meaning of the sort Wittgenstein attacked at the beginning of the Philosophical Investigations. In this paper I argue that he never held such a theory though I concede that, prior to 1918, he said various things that might lead a very careless reader to suppose that he had. However, in The Analysis of Mind, a book which we know Wittgenstein studied closely, Russell put forward an account of (...)
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    Bertrand Russell's Crisis of Faith.Nicholas Griffin - 1984 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 4 (1):101.
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    (1 other version)Bertrand Russell and Harold Joachim.Nicholas Griffin - 2007 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 27 (2).
    The paper is partly biographical and partly philosophical. It traces Russell’s philosophical interactions with the British neo-Hegelian philosopher, Harold Joachim, from Russell’s days as an undergraduate in the 1890s to his scathing review of Joachim’s inaugural lecture as Wykeham Professor of Logic at Oxford in 1920. The philosophical part attempts to evaluate Russell’s main argument against Joachim’s coherence theory of truth, that it is equivalent to the doctrine of internal relations. The paper makes use of Russell’s (...)
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    Russell in a Nutshell [review of A.C. Grayling, Russell ].Nicholas Griffin - 1997 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 17 (1).
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  47. The Cambridge companion to Bertrand Russell.Nicholas Griffin (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Bertrand Russell ranks as one of the giants of 20th century philosophy. This Companion focuses on Russell's contributions to modern philosophy and, therefore, concentrates on the early part of his career. Through his books, journalism, correspondence and political activity he exerted a profound influence on modern thought. New readers will find this the most convenient and accessible guide to Russell available. Advanced students and specialists will find a conspectus of recent developments in the interpretation of Russell.
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  48. The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell, Volume 2: The Public Years 1914-1970.Nicholas Griffin (ed.) - 2001 - Routledge.
    This long-awaited second volume of Russell's best letters reveals the inner workings of a philosophical genius and an impassioned campaigner for peace and social reform. The letters, only three of which have been published before, cover most of Russell's adult life, a period in which he wrote over thirty books, including his famous History of Western Philosophy . Richly illustrated with photographs from Russell's life, the collection includes letters to Ho Chi Minh, Tito, Jawaharlal Nehru and Albert (...)
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  49.  7
    After "on Denoting": Themes From Russell and Meinong.Nicholas Griffin, Kenneth Blackwell & Dale Jacquette (eds.) - 2007 - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada: Mcmaster University, Bertrand Russell Research Centre.
  50. Onto The Past! What The 1990s Mean To Bertrand Russell.Nicholas Griffin - 1995 - Free Inquiry 15.
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